Full Plans application

A Full Plans application is used where detailed plans have been prepared. The plans will be thoroughly checked by us, for compliance with the Building Regulations. If we are satisfied that the plans comply, a notice of passing will be issued. Should further information or clarification be required we will contact you.

The plans need to show full constructional details of the proposed works. This requires a thorough working knowledge of the Building Regulations and construction in general. For this type of application, you are advised to seek professional advice if you do not have this knowledge.

We will let you know of our decision within five weeks (or two months if you request an extension of time to allow more information to be covered). You can submit revised plans if you need to depart from your original proposals.

Once your application has been approved, you have three years in which to commence the works. Once works have commenced, (and we have carried out a commencement inspection), the application will last indefinitely.


  • Gives you peace of mind and security that your plans have been checked for compliance with the regulations
  • The detailed assessment up front reduces the risk of unforeseen changes and costs during the construction stage
  • Help builders give you an accurate quote as they can see detailed drawings
  • A full plans application is normally necessary when borrowing money from a Bank or Building Society to pay for the building work. Banks and Building Societies usually ask to see an approval notice before they will give you any money


  • If works start on site before the application is approved (decision normally within five weeks) it will be at your own risk
  • You will need to secure the services of a competent person to prepare the drawings
  • Revised drawings may be required to adapt to unforeseen circumstances during the construction

What we require

When submitting a Full Plans application, the following should be included:

  • A completed Full Plans application form
  • A location/block plan to a scale of 1:1250 is required
  • The required fee
  • Two copies of the plans, (to a scale of not less than 1:100), which should include floor plans, elevations and sections of the existing and proposed works. Where the property is designated under the Fire Precautions Act an extra copy of the plans are required